No matter what your starting point is, I’ll guide you step by step

Feel better

Sleep better

Make Sustainable changes

More Energy

Your best self

Package options

Prices start from £100 for Package 1 providing one month’s support

Package 1: Start your Glow (1 month)

Do you want to kick start your health goals? Identify your health goals, have accountability to achieve them and have a personalised plan for you to get to where you want to be!

·        Free discovery call

·        90 min Initial consultation (includes current health, discussion around all body systems, health goals, sleep patterns, eating habits and food diary, relationships and stress)

·        Bespoke Coaching plan with action plan

·        Next steps check in

Package 2: Essential Glow (2 months)

This package features everything you need to have the best start to your health journey. I work with you 1-1 to identify your goals, barriers and triggers and create a clear and concise plan to get you to where you want to be. Feel your glow from the inside out!

·        Free discovery call

·        90 min Initial consultation (includes current health, discussion around all body systems, health goals, sleep patterns, eating habits and food diary, relationships and stress)

·        Bespoke Coaching plan with action plan

·        30 min Week 2 check in

·        60 min check in/plan adaptation

·        Next steps check in

·        Tailored meal ideas & recipes provided

Package 3: Optimum Glow (3 months)

Optimum package from Your Glow to break current habits and have a focussed, long term approach to your health goals. This package is especially designed to keep you on track, focussed and create new lifelong habits where your health and your glow is always prioritised!

·        Free discovery call

·        90 min Initial consultation (includes current health, discussion around all body systems, health goals, sleep patterns, eating habits and food diary, relationships and stress)

·        Bespoke Coaching plan with action plan

·        60 min check in/plan adaption

·        60 min check in - goal discussion using wheel of life tool

·        60 min check in – track progress

·        Next steps check in

·        Tailored meal ideas & recipes provided

·        Long term habits and goals outline agreed